Add and Customize pages Error

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    • #33921
      Tim Miller

        When attempting to setup DFFS on our SharePoint Online environment I keep getting an error that says I do not have permission to Add or Customize pages.

        I have tried using the CEWP, V1, V2 and App installer all getting the same error. I have enabled customer scripting, have SharePoint Admin credentials, Site owner, modified the site permissions to add the “add or customize pages” permission. when I do the check permission it shows a deny on the add and customize.

      • #33924
        Alexander Bautz

          From the error message it seems you might not have successfully enabled custom scripting. Try creating a classic web part page by going to this address:

          Create the web part page in for example SitePages and then edit the page, click Add a Web Part and see if you find the Content Editor Web Part under Media and Content.


        • #33926
          Tim Miller

            Custom scripting is enabled and I did create the web part page using the URL provided, still received the same error.

            I was able connect to the tenant via PowerShell and run the commands

            Connect-SPOService -Url “https://<tenant>;
            Set-SPOSite -Identity <url> -DenyAddAndCustomizePages $false

            I was then able to get the installer to function and load into DFFS successfully.

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Tim Miller.
          • #33933
            Alexander Bautz

              Thanks for the update – I’m glad you got it up and running.


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