Reply To: Issue with rules related to people pickers

Home Forums Classic DFFS Issue with rules related to people pickers Reply To: Issue with rules related to people pickers

Travis Goodman

    Attached you will find the results of the console logs from your script. This is very interesting, and I cannot explain it. Notice that the logs never say “The field is empty on form load”. Rather, it’s saying that the fields are CHANGED to empty, and then seconds later, says they are changed to their current values. This is on Edit form. Those fields have values in them. When the form is loaded, they have values, I don’t know why it says they were changed to blank, and then just 1-2 seconds later says changed to what they actually are. Notice that DFFS load time tracker logs in between these actions. Something is off here, I can’t figure out what it is, but it’s a timing issue with something. There are no rules clearing these fields out.