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Forums Classic DFFS How to validate HTML Input? Reply To: How to validate HTML Input?


Thanks for reply Alexander,

But some how i can not call this method while clicking save button,
Let me explain this again,
Please find attached image, i am using one header on form and i want title field into this header, I can not move my OOTB title field into header, i am correct?
so, i just simply create one input box in header.
In custom js i write code to hide OOTB title.

function dffs_Ready() {
$('#newProjectTtl').on('change', function () {
//other codes

So, now when i try to save form without entring title into this field, it will not save the form, so at this time i want to validate my custom input box along with error message just like OOTB title error message.

I tried below code but it is not working, can you please help me with this?

function dffs_Ready() {
$('#newProjectTtl').on('change', function () {
//other codes
function dffs_PreSaveAction() {
    alert("pre save call");
    var projectTitle = jQuery("#newProjectTtl").val();
    if(projectTitle === ""){
            "title": "Missing project title",
            "msg": "Please supply the title of the project in the highlighted input field.",
            "ok": function(){
                // close dlg
        return false;
    return true;


  • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Harsh.