Reply To: Rules issues introduced DFFS_v4.4.4.26_2020-03-17…

Forums Classic DFFS Rules issues introduced DFFS_v4.4.4.26_2020-03-17… Reply To: Rules issues introduced DFFS_v4.4.4.26_2020-03-17…



My testing of Rules in v4.4.4.27 shows that Rules are working as expected in reference to setting the red asterisk for mandatory fields.

However, the issue with Cascade persists, with a slightly different symptom. To recap the previous symptom:

Cascade: I have a Cascade of LOB to SubLOB. In v26, the first time one particular LOB is selected (last on list), the SubLOB field label is displayed, but the drop-down field is not displayed. If I then select another LOB, the SubLOB drop-down field is displayed correctly, and if I return to the LOB that had previously failed to display – it now displays correctly. The symptom (no display of SubLOB) occurs only on first pass.

In v., the SubLOB field label NOR the SubLOB drop-down field itself is displayed the first time this particular LOB is selected. I’ve tried a number of troubleshooting steps without success (yeah – some are silly):

  • Changed the spelling of LOB so it is not at the end of the list – unsuccessful
  • Deleted a number of LOB records in source list – unsuccessful
  • Moved the Cascade source list to local ({currentsite} instead of /sites/blah-blah/listname) – unsuccessful
  • Removed flags e.g: hide empty dropdowns – unsuccessful
  • Removed rules on fields in Cascade – unsuccessful
  • Removed side-by-side positioning of fields – unsuccessful
  • Removed the default field value (“-select-“) – unsuccessful

Unfortunately, I have very little to relate to you in reference to this symptom – I have no idea why this particular LOB is unique in displaying the symptom.

Observations I can add:

  1. If I enter the form, and select the affected LOB, it does not display the SubLOB drop-down field. If I select another LOB (which may or may not have a SubLOB value) and then return to the affected LOB, it will display normally – this is all as described before. The new bit is that after I select the default (blank) selection, the problem LOB will ALWAYS fail to display the SubLOB drop-down menu.
  2. This symptom is only evident on the NewItem form, as LOB is a required field, and will always be populated when entering the EditItem form. Even if a SubLOB had not been selected when the item was saved, the SubLOB drop-down menu is displayed correctly.

Please let me know what troubleshooting I can do to better isolate the problem. I

R’grds – Ben.
Version information
DFFS Loader: v2
DFFS frontend: – March 21, 2020
DFFS frontend CSS: 4.57 / 4.57
Autocomplete: 1.6.47 – March 10, 2020
Cascading dropdowns: 3.7.36 – March 21, 2020
jQuery: 1.12.4
Lookup: 1.1.20 – March 10, 2020
Resource management: 2.4.5 – August 29, 2019
SPJS-Utility: 1.345 – March 17, 2020
vLookup: 2.2.148 – March 17, 2020

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by BenR.