Reply To: Decimal separator in currency field (not a comma)

Home Forums General discussion Decimal separator in currency field (not a comma) Reply To: Decimal separator in currency field (not a comma)

Ayanda Makhathini

    Hi Alex

    I also noticed that my calculations are not rounding off to 2 decimal places. I have the value 6118.43 pulling in as 6118.425 on the form. When I calculate (value) x (quantity) = (6118.425 x 2 = 12236850) . After that I calculate VAT and Total excluding VAT (VAT=15%). Amount including VAT is 14072.37 but i get 14072377.5 which will save as 14 Million if i replace comma. Would adding a custom function to round off solve the issue or is there a shorter way around it. I managed to remove decimals and replace them with commas but this wont if I’m rounding off to wrong decimal place. I currently have my calculations set in the DFFS rules. Amount exluding VAT = calc:{h_price}*{Quantity} , Total including VAT – calc:{Amount}*0.15+{Amount} . I think my main issue is to round off now

