Reply To: Calculated column in Display Form

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Paul Lynch

    Thanks Alex. There are three dates, I just want to show these dates in a display form in a “friendly” format of dd.MMM.yyyy so want to show a calculated column instead of the original field.

    PIC 1 – Shows the configuration in form:
    1) Original Field
    2) Calculated Column (that never shows up)
    3) Is HTML in a field column I am trying to use to force it to show up!

    PIC 2 – Shows some columns – really just to confirm that the calculated column itself works great.

    PIC 3 – Shows the Display Form – notice no calculated column is shown.

    I create a HTML field workaround which shows up for one of the dates – “1.15 Start date of the OSQMV:” but not for the others?

    PIC 4 – JS of HTML field workaround – first field is ok – but if I just copy line [39] to line [40] and update the reference it doesnt work – keep getting error 80020101 wondering how to add this in, as this might be easier than trying to solve why my calculated column is not showing.