Lookup manager from one table to put in another

Forums General discussion Lookup manager from one table to put in another

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    • #16028
      Jeff Lynch

      This may be a redundant question and advance apology if it is but:
      I am trying to populate a people picker field in a list with the people picker value from another list where the Title of the other list matches the selected field of the new list.

      I could make a cascading dropdown that only has one value but how can i make it so that it automatically populates those related people picker values on save?

    • #16054
      Alexander Bautz

      Use something like this that you trigger on change rule on the field in the “new list”:

      function getPPValueFromAnotherList(){
          var res, searchVal, item, ppId, ppLogin;
          searchVal = getFieldValue("ChoiceColumnInNewList");
          res = spjs.utility.queryItems({"listName":"ListNameOfOtherList","query":"<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='FieldToSearchInOtherList' /><Value Type='Text'>"+searchVal+"</Value></Eq></Where>","viewFields":["PeoplePickerField"]});
          if(res.count > 0){
              item = res.items[0];
              if(item.PeoplePickerField!== null){
                  ppId = item.PeoplePickerField.split(";#")[0];
                  ppLogin = spjs.utility.userInfo(ppId).Name;
      • Change “ChoiceColumnInNewList” with the fieldinternalname of the field in the new list.
      • Change “FieldToSearchInOtherList” with the fieldinternalname of the field to find the matching value in the other list.
      • Change “PeoplePickerField” with the fieldinternalname of the field in the other list where the person is found.
      • Change “PeoplePickerFieldInNewList” with the fieldinternalname of the peoplepicker field in the new list.
      • Change “ListNameOfOtherList” with the display name or GUID of the other list.

      Hope this helps you on the way.


      • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Added missing info
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