Required Field CSS

Forums Classic DFFS Required Field CSS

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    • #6329

      Has anyone been able to identify how to add css to required fields? I couldn’t find a required class or anything. I would like to add more than just the red *. Maybe add dashed border or really light red background color. If you have used a function or class let me know. I’ll have no problems with the CSS itself. Just how to identify which are the contorls that are required.

    • #6368

      This might help? I use jQuery to add an “$” in front of currency fields in my NewForm and EditForm. When it stopped working one day it took me a bit to figure out that SharePoint adds “Required Field” to the input element title property.

      $("input[title='2014 Capital Budget Required Field']").before("$ ");
    • #6378
      Alexander Bautz

      I will add a class to required fields when I fix a bug in setting fields not visible in the current tab to required (this produces multiple red stars).


    • #6386
      Alexander Bautz

      I have released DFFS frontend v4.103 – look at the change log here:

      This relase adds a class “dffs_required” to the

      of all required fields. You can use this to add your custom style to required fields. Look at the bottom of the file DFFS_frontend.css for an example.


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