DFFS Rules [ Activate after "Set field value" ]

Forums Classic DFFS DFFS Rules [ Activate after "Set field value" ]

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    • #7894
      Drew Heggie

      Hi Alex,
      I have a form built using DFFSV3.21 and I’m attempting to build a rule-set where I have multiple conditions to evaluate. I need to execute a rule following an update on a field from another rule.
      To explain:
      If user selects Fruit in Shop-A (Choice Fruit or Veg) then “Set field value” on field [Flag_Fruit] to Yes.
      If user selects Fruit in Shop-B (Choice Fruit or Veg) then “Set field value” on field [Flag_Fruit] to Yes.

      Based on Flag_Fruit = “Yes” then set another field as mandatory.

      The problem is that if the Flag_Fruit is set based on Rule1 or Rule2 then it doesn’t seem to recognise this as an update event so doesn’t execute the rule based on that update. (If I manually set the Flag_Fruit to Yes then the rule, based on that event, works fine.

      any ideas? Any assitance would be welcomed.

      Kind regards,

    • #7975
      Alexander Bautz

      Sorry for the delay – I have been away for a few days.

      I have not been able make the set field value consistently trigger attached rules, but in later versions you can set up the rule which sets the field value to manually call the “next” rule.

      Look at the “Run these functions / trigger these rules” field in the rule setup.

      Unfortunately this is not available for the older versions.


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