Category Archives: SharePoint 2010

Resource management: Now compatible with DFFS

Change log
July 13, 2015
Changes in v2.42:
Added option to use {currentsite} in baseUrl variable.March 15, 2015
Changes in v2.37:
Fixed a bug where booked time range was missing the minutes – displayed as :00 – when using AM / PM time format.

August 20, 2014
Changes in v2.36:
Fixed bug where the validation messages did not show when the resource field was set to read only.

June 07, 2014
Changes in v2.35:

  • Fixed a bug in the field xml when creating or updating the list as the choices for the hours could not be set in datasheet view due to wrong case on the CHOICES tag. Update the list to fix this issue.
  • Added support for multiple ranges of bookable dates. A big thanks to Rudolf Vehring for extensive testing on this feature!

Please note that you must update the configuration list to the latest version. You find the instructions in the article below.

May 15, 2014
Changes in v2.2:
I have added back the missing features from v1.3. related to restricting bookable time range individually for each weekday. If you are upgrading form v2.1 you must look at the details below as you will have to update the configuration list with new fields (this is done automatically by the script when you trigger the update).

Please note that you must have the latest version of spjs-utility.js. If you use it with DFFS you must have v3.344 or later of dffs_min.js.

May 8, 2014
Changes in v2.1:
Added an option to configure bookable time ranges in a separate list. See detail below.

I have previously posted a solution for preventing double booking of resources. This is a remake of the resource management solution that is more lightweight, and can be used with DFFS. It can also be used as a standalone solution.

Please note:
This solution is made for unmodified SharePoint forms.
How to set it up with DFFS

Add a reference to SPJSRM_min.js from the CEWP or HTML Form Web Part where you include the DFFS solution. When using this with DFFS (v3.344 or above) you find the configuration in a separate tab like this:

If you have an older version of DFFS you can activate it by adding this code to the Custom JS section in the Misc tab:

var spjsRmArgs = {
Use it as a standalone solution

You must include spjs-utility.js and add the code to the bottom of the form web part like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/spjs-utility/spjs-utility.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/SPJSRM/SPJSRM.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var spjsRmArgs = {
  • resourceField: This is the FieldInternalName of the field you have the “resource” in. This can be a lookup column (single choice), a people picker (single choice) or any other single choice field present in the form.
  • dateFrom and dateTo: This is the FieldInternalName of the date fields. This solution will NOT handle recurring events.
  • timeFormat: This is either 12 or 24 and is for displaying the time ranges in the overlap message in the correct format.
  • bookableTimeRangeActive: true or false to control whether or not to use a separate list to restrict the bookable time range for the resources. See below.
Bookable time range

When this is used as a standalone solution you must “manually” create the list to hold the bookable time range settings. This is done by calling a function like this:

// Use this to set up the "SPJS-RM-BookableTimeRange" list.

When this is done you find the list in “All site contents”. Do not let this code persist after the list is initially created as it will slow things down due to an unnecessary request.

SharePoint 2007

If you are using SP2007 you must provide the list GUID or DisplayName in the argument like this:

var spjsRmArgs = {

Get spjsrm.js here (ensure you use v2.2 or above) and spjs-utility.js here.


To localize the text in the various messages from this solution, add this object to the CEWP alongside the function call:

spjs.rm.text = {
	"overlapMsg":"{0} has already been booked by {1} between {2} and {3}.",
	"endBeforeStartMsg":"End time cannot be less than or equal to start time.",
	"empty":"{0} cannot be left empty!",
	"wrongDateFormat":"Please use this date format: {0}",
	"notInTimeRange":["{0} can be booked from {1} on a {2}.","{0} can be booked to {1} on a {2}."],
	"notInDateRange":["{0} cannot be booked before {1}.","{0} cannot be booked after {1}."],
	"bookableDateRange":"The bookable date ranges for {0} are:

Translate the text as you like, but keep the {placeholders}.

Update from a previous version

The configuration list in v2.2 looks like this (please note that v2.35 has removed the time selector from the dates):

This list is created automatically for you by the script the first time you set up the solution, but to upgrade you must check “manually” like this:


Click the “Check for updates to the configuration list” text:


Add this function call to the CEWP below where you have loaded the file SPJSRM.js:


Please note that this code must be commented out when the update is done.

I hope you enjoy the solution. Please post any bugs below.


Autocomplete for text and people picker fields

You find updated documentation here

Change log
Always test a new version to see that it works as expected before adding it to a production environment.

You find the latest change log here:

May 19, 2016

I have released v1.4.3 with a new feature that lets you pre-filter the data-source with a CAML query. To do this, add a new key-value pair to the argument object like this (see more details below):

"filterCAML":"<Eq><FieldRef Name='Author' LookupId='TRUE' /><Value Type='Integer'><UserID/></Value></Eq>"

This example will show only items created by current user. You can provide any valid CAML.

March 20, 2016

I have released v1.41 with this bugfix:
I have fixed a bug occurring when using the new option to add  new values to the lookup list, and it is a “isLookupInSelf”. If you had already moved the cursor away from the autocomplete field so the field had the “error class”, going back to add it to the list did not clear this class so it appeared as if the error was still there. The value would however be saved to the list as it should.

February 19, 2016

I have released v1.4 with these new features:

  • Added option to add a custom function to parse the returned value before setting it using the “setFields” option. Here is an example (see parseFunction):{
    "helpText":"Project name or number...",
    "enforceUniqueValues":true, // New in v1.33
    "allowAddNew":false, // New in v1.4
    "isLookupInSelf":true, // New in v1.4

    // This function converts the ISO8601 date returned from the query to a format ready for inserting in the field

    function parseDateFunc(a){
    // Set the desired format in the variable "f"
    var f = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" , d = new Date(a);
    f = f.replace("MM",(d.getMonth()+1) < 10 ? "0"+(d.getMonth()+1) : (d.getMonth()+1));
    f = f.replace("dd",d.getDate() < 10 ? "0"+d.getDate() : d.getDate());
    f = f.replace("yyyy",d.getFullYear());
    f = f.replace("yy",d.getFullYear().toString().substring(2));
    f = f.replace("hh",d.getHours() < 10 ? "0"+d.getHours() : d.getHours());
    f = f.replace("mm",d.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0"+d.getMinutes() : d.getMinutes());
    return f.split(/ |:/);
  • Added option to add new items to the autocomplete if you cannot find a match. Please look at the description of the parameters “allowAddNew” and “isLookupInSelf” below.

The autocomplete solution is part of the DFFS package, and you will find updated versions in the “plugins” folder in the DFFS download package, or in the “incrementalReleases” folder. Get the files here

February 09, 2016

I have released v1.33 with support for returning only unique values. You set this up in the argument object like this:{
	"enforceUniqueValues":true, // New

The autocomplete solution is part of the DFFS package, and you will find updated versions in the “plugins” folder in the DFFS download package, or in the “incrementalReleases” folder. Get the files here

October 31, 2014

Fixed a bug with using single quotes in the lookup field.

May 1, 2014

Added event triggering for the fields set by “setFields” in the autocomplete function call – for use with DFFS “is changed” trigger.

April 25, 2014


  • Added option to prevent validation of the selected value on load. This will allow for duplicate entries in the lookup list. See function call example below for details.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a selected people picker form being cleared.

April 6, 2014

v1.1: Added option to bypass the SP2013 check when applying the people picker autocomplete in SP2013. This must only be used when having SP2010 style people pickers with the “validate user” and “address book” icons.

To use this option, change the argument object like this:{

I have previously posted a few solutions here and here, but those are old and does not work for new SharePoint versions.

I have redone the solution to bring it up to support SP2007, SP2010 and SP2013. This is a total remake that does not rely upon jQueryUI for the autocomplete part.

In this example, I have added autocomplete to the single line of text field “Project”, and to the single choice people picker “Responsible”.

Here I have started typing in the Project field:
You can use this solution with single line of text columns and single choice people picker columns. I have not built in support for multi choice people pickers.

Please note that this solution is made for unmodified SharePoint forms (NewForm and EditForm) and will not work for custom forms modified in SPD or InfoPath. It will however play nice with DFFS.

The people picker autocomplete is not available in SP 2013 as this version already have this built in.

How to set it up
  1. If you don’t have jQuery already, get it here
  2. Get the latest version of spjs-utility.js from here.
  3. Download the file “spjs-autocomplete.js” from here.
  4. Add the code below the form in NewForm and EditForm as described below.
Setup for a single line of text column

Add this code below the form web part in NewForm and EditForm using a HTML form Web Part, Script Editor or link to a file containing the code from a Content Editor Web Part using the content link option.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/spjs-utility/spjs-utility.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/Autocomplete/spjs-autocomplete.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var fields = init_fields_v2();{
	"helpText":"Project name or number...",
	"optionDetailFields":"[], // New in v 1.4.12
	"enforceUniqueValues":true, // New in v1.33
	"minLengthBeforeSearch":3, // New in v 1.4.12
	"allowAddNew":false, // New in v1.4
	"isLookupInSelf":false, // New in v1.4
	"filterCAML":"", // New in v1.4.3
	"multiselect":true, // New in v1.4.4. If this is true, the "setFields section will not apply",
	"multiselectSeparator":"; ", // New in v1.4.4.
	"orderBy":[{"fin":"Title","ascending":true}], // New in v1.4.5
Options explained:
  • applyTo: The FieldInternalName of the field to add autocomplete to.
  • helpText: The text in the autocomplete field when it is empty
  • listGuid: The list GUID or the display name of the list you are pulling the options from.
  • listBaseUrl: The base url of the list. For a subsite named “Test”, this is the correct base url: “/test”. For the root site, use an empty string like this: “”.
  • showField: This is the field to show in the autocomplete.
  • optionDetailFields: Additional fields to show more details in the drodown.
  • enforceUniqueValues new in v1.33: true or false to only return unique values.
  • rowLimit: This is the max number of items to pull back. Use a low number to keep the query lightweight and fast.
  • listOptionsOnFocus: true or false determines whether or not to pull in the first batch when the field gets focus. Setting this to true will mimic a dropdown with an arrow to the right.
  • minLengthBeforeSearch: This settings controls how many characters the user needs to enter before the search is triggered.
  • reValidateOnLoad new in v1.2: true or false to determine whether or not to validate the selection when loading the form in EditForm. If this is set to true, you cannot have duplicates in the lookup list, and if you delete an item in the lookup list, the selected value will be invalid when you edit an item that has this value selected.
  • allowAddNew new in v1.4: true or false to specify whether or not to allow adding new values to the “dataset”. If you set the below “isLookupInSelf” parameter to false, you MUST use the GUID in the parameter “listGuid” above.
  • isLookupInSelf new in v1.4: Used with the above “allowAddNew” parameter. Use true or false to specify whether or not the autocomplete is a lookup in the the current list. Please note that setting this to false is only supported in SharePoint 2013. This will open a dialog for adding the new item.
  • filterCAML new in v1.4.3: Add your own CAML here to prefilter the data-source. You can use an valid CAML – for example this to get items created by current user:
    "filterCAML":"<Eq><FieldRef Name='Author' LookupId='TRUE' /><Value Type='Integer'><UserID/></Value></Eq>",
  • setFields: This in an array of objects containing additional fields to pull in and set based on the selection. It has these properties:
    • fromFIN: The FieldInternalName of the field in the list you are pulling from.
    • toFIN: The FieldInternalName of the field in the list you are writing to.
    • parseFunction: This is used to parse the returned value before inserting it in the “toFIN” field. See example on parsing a date value in the change log in the top of this page (February 19, 2016).
    • skipIfEmpty: true or false determines whether or not to skip this option if this field is empty.
Setup for a single choice people picker

Add this code below the form web part in NewForm and EditForm using a HTML form Web Part, Script Editor or link to a file containing the code from a Content Editor Web Part using the content link option.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/spjs-utility/spjs-utility.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/Autocomplete/spjs-autocomplete.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var fields = init_fields_v2();{
	"helpText":"Enter name or email address...",
	"enforceUniqueValues":true, // New in v1.33
Options explained:

The shared options are explained in the previous section.

  • chooseFromUserGroup: If you want to limit the selection to a specific user group, add the name or the ID here. The ID must be added as an integer. Leave as null to search all users. Please note that you cannot let the autocomplete search among all users while the people picker itself (in the list settings) is restricted to a certain group.
  • showUsersOnly: true or false determines whether or not to show users and groups, or users only.
Override the labels and text

Add this to the CEWP code (above the function call to or to override the standard texts. Translate as you like. = {
	"imgTitle":"The list of valid choices is updated automatically when you type",
	"noItems":"No items match your search",
	"addNewItem":"Add {0} to the list?",
	"noValidItems":"No valid items match your search",
	"invalid":"Invalid value",
	"moreItemsLabel":"Showing the first {0} items",
	"moreItemsMouseover":"Continue typing to narrow your search",
	"searching":"Searching for: "
How to use this with DFFS

To use this with DFFS you must add the script reference to “spjs-autocomplete.js” in the CEWP code for DFFS, and wrap the function call like this:

function dffs_Ready(){{
		"helpText":"Enter name or email address...",
		"enforceUniqueValues":true, // New in v1.33

You can also add the function call to the Custom JS section in the Misc tab. In this case you do not wrap it in dffs_Ready().

Post any bugs or feedback in the comments below.


CommentBox for SharePoint 2010 and 2013

This version is old – the latest version can be found here

I have updated my CommentBox for SharePoint solution to use the Client Object Model found in SP 2010 and 2013 to make it faster and smoother. This update does unfortunately not support SP 2007.

Change log
August 12. 2014
v2.2.1: Fixed error with TinyMCE not being reapplied to the textarea after cancel or submit.April 18. 2014
Fixed download link as there was something wrong with the folder rights to the original folder.April 4. 2014
Updated to v2.2:
Added option to store the comments in a list in the root site. The setting is controlled in the argument object like this:

var argObj = {
Please note that you must index the columns “Title” and “Parent” in the list “SPJS-CommentBox” to prevent errors when you reach 5000 comments in the list. This list is hidden from browsers, and you must add this index manually by entering list setup like this this URL:

March 6. 2014
Updated to v2.1:
Added support for changing the TinyMCE language when using a local installed version of the TinyMCE solution. You must download the language package you want to use, and set the parameter “tinyMCE_Language” in the argument object. Refer the TinyMCE web page for details on downloading the language js file.

If you refer TinyMCE from // all you have to do to change the language is to add a reference to the correct language.js file in the CEWP.

Updated to v2.01:
Fixed a bug where level 3 and deeper comments does not show when setting “threadInitiallyCollapsed” to true.

What is this solution used for?

You can add this solution to any page or form in a site to let users comment on the page or list item.

Here is an example thread


Hover over the comment to show the available options:

Here you see “Edit”, “Delete” and “Reply”. The available options will vary depending on the configuration.

Third party solutions:

This release utilizes Font Awesome Created by Dave Gandy and if you activate rich text input in the comments, TinyMCE from Moxiecode Systems AB

Some of the features
  • Multi level comments.
  • Option to use plain text or rich text input.
  • Moderators can be specified by group ID or user ID. Moderators (and site collection administrators) have full control and can edit or delete any comments.
  • Sorting ascending of descending.
  • Page size form 1-500 root comments. Load the next page by a click on a button.
  • Option to restrict write access to specified groups (by group ID)
  • You can have multiple parallel threads in one page.
  • And more…
Behind the scenes

The comments are stored in a list in the site where you set up the solution. This list is automatically created by the script, and is hidden from browsers. You can access it by navigating to “/Lists/SPJSCommentBox”. This list has a Title field for storing the page ID, a “Parent” field for the ID of the parent comment (if it is a reply), a “Comment” field to hold the actual comment, a “EMail” field and a “ProfileImg” field. There is no need to hand edit this list.

How to set it up
  1. Download “CEWP.txt”, “spjs-cBox.css” and “spjs-cBox_min.js” from here.
  2. If you like to use a local copy of Font Awesome, get it here, and follow the instructions found here.
  3. If you want to use a local copy of jQuery, get it here.
  4. If you want to use a local copy of TinyMCE, get it here, and follow the instructions found here.
  5. Upload “spjs-cBox.css” and “spjs-cBox_min.js” and any local versions of the above solutions to a document library or a folder created in the root of the site using SharePoint Designer. Ensure all users have read access to this library or folder.
  6. Edit the file “CEWP.txt” and change the links to target your local files. Update the configuration by looking at the CEWP code example below. Upload the file to the same location you created above.
    DO NOT add the code directly to the CEWP, but use the Content link option to link to the file. You can also add the code to the page using a HTML form web part or “Embed code”, but I prefer the Content link option as you can access the code without editing the page.
  7. Add the code to a page or form (like DispForm) using the preferred method and reload the page. You are prompted to create the list to hold all the comments, and after another page reload you are ready to add comments.
CEWP code
<div id="cBox_A"></div>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/scripts/cBox/spjs-cBox.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/cBox/spjs-cBox_min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var spjs_cBox_license = "Put your license code here";

var threadID = location.pathname;
if(GetUrlKeyValue("ID") !== ""){
	threadID += "?ID="+GetUrlKeyValue("ID")

var argObj = {
	"multiInstanceMode":true, // Must be set to false when upgrading from v1.x
		"createdByPrefix":"Posted by ",
		"createdPrefix":" on ",
		"modifiedPrefix":"Modified: ",
		"modifiedByPrefix":" by ",
		"newCommentText":"Leave a reply",
		"notSignedInText":"You must sign in to comment",
		"submitText":"Submit comment",
		"deleteThreadText":"Delete comment",
		"confirmDeletePrompt":"Please confirm that you want to delete the selected item and all replies below it.",
		"showMoreCommentsText":"Show more comments"
	//"tinyMCE_Language":"nb_NO", // New in v2.1


Arguments details

Here is some details on a selection of argument properties.

  • placeholderID: This is the unique identifier for this instance. You must have a placeholder in the page with this ID – like the div in the top of the code example above. To use multiple instances, change the placeholderID and add placeholders in the page.
  • threadID: This is by default the relative URL of the page or list item. Change this if you like, but remember that you must use an unique identifier for each thread.
  • multiInstanceMode: Set this to true if you want to have multiple instances in one page. For users upgrading from a previous version this must be “false” for the comments to show up.
  • textareaVisible: This setting specifies whether the textarea should be visible initially, or to display a button to show it.
  • replyLevels: How deep can the replies go in one thread.
  • pageSize: How many root comments to show in each page. The more the comments, the longer the page takes to load.
  • richTextInputUsingTinyMCE: If set to true you must refer the TinyMCE solution.
  • tinyMCE_Language: For example “nb_NO”. Refer the TinyMCE web page for details on downloading the language js file.
  • sendToRecycleBinWhenDeleting: true to use recycle bin, false to permanently delete.
  • colorMyComments: Add a special css class “cBoxMyComments” to the comments created by the logged in user. You can edit this class in the file “spjs-cBox.css”
  • authorCanEdit: true to let the author edit their own comments. Delete is for moderator only.
  • moderatorGroupIDorUserID: Comma separated list of group ID (number) or user ID (number). To find the group ID go to “People and Groups” and click on the group you want the ID of. Look at the URL for this string: /_layouts/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=5. To find the user id use the same approach by clicking on a user and looking for “ID=123” in the URL.
  • restrictWriteAccessToGroups: Comma separated list of group ID for the groups that is allowed to comment. Leave blank for no restrictions.
Are upgrading form version 1.x?

You must update all the files. Some of the files used in v1.x is no longer needed. You must also change the function call argument object as the configuration has changed. When all the files are in place, all you have to do is to rename the configuration list from “CommentBoxForSharePoint” to “SPJS-CommentBox”. When this is done all existing comments will reappear.

Obtain a license code

Go to the page Obtain license code.

Please let me know if you have trouble setting this up, or you have feature requests.


Custom form for adding list item with attachments

Change log

March 6, 2018
Clarified the setup instructions as suggested by Rob Mason.

April 5. 2014

Updated to v1.1:
Fixed a bug where “args.listBaseUrl” was missing in the function “submitFile”. This made it impossible to add items to another site than the one you triggered the code on. Thanks to Jean-Jacques for pointing out this bug.

I got this request from Rudolf:

Hi Alexander,

Do you have any idea to solve the following problem I have?

We would like to upload formatted text or binary data from a file as an attachment to with an on the fly create form to enter the comment.
I read your blog to spjs-upload-for-sharepoint-custom-upload-page- ….

We would like to send this the comment and the attachments via a WebService to a SharePoint list to create a list item with attachments loaded.

Best Regards

The solution

I have created this solution that lets you add a list item with one or more attachments from a custom form that you can place anywhere in your SharePoint site.

You may also be interested in this solution SPJS Upload for SharePoint: Custom upload page for uploading documents to various document libraries in a site collection.

Please note:
* This solution requires you to be logged in with a user with the necessary privileges to add a list item.
* This solution requires IE 10 or above. This may be a problem for users with SharePoint 2007 or 2010 as this versions forces IE 8 mode for newer versions of IE. Change the document mode or use Chrome or Firefox.

How to add this solution to a page

  1. Download jQuery from here. Please note that you should use v1.x as v2.x does NOT support IE versions below 9.
  2. Download spjs_utility.js from here
  3. Download the files spjs_addItemWithAtt.css, spjs_addItemWithAtt.js and spjs_addItemWithAtt_CEWP.txt from here.
  4. Upload all the files but spjs_addItemWithAtt_CEWP.txt to a document library in the site collection, or a folder created using SharePoint Designer on the root of the site collection.
  5. Edit the file spjs_addItemWithAtt_CEWP.txt
    Update the path to the files you have uploaded

    B. Edit the argument object (starting at spjs.addItemWithAttachment.init({) to create the framework of your form using the guide described below.
    C. Save and Upload the file to the same location as the other files.
    D. Create a CEWP and refer the URL for the .txt file you just edited using the “Content link” option in the CEWP. DO NOT ADD THE CODE DIRECTLY IN THE CEWP AS HTML. You can also use the code directly in a HTML form Web Part in the page where you want the form to appear.

The arguments for the function

You call the function from the CEWP or the HTML Form Web Part using code like this:

	"header":"Add a comment",
		"successMsg":"Saved successfully",
		"browserNotSupported":"Your browser is not supported."
				"emptyLabel":"Set priority",
					{"v":"0","f":"Priority = low"},
					{"v":"1","f":"Priority = med"},
					{"v":"2","f":"Priority = high"}


An uniquer id for this instance. If you add more than one form the same page you must change this so that each instance is unique. In the CEWP code you find this div:

<div id="spjs_addItemWithAttachment_instanceID_1"></div>

This corresponds with the instanceID to form an unique placeholder where the custom form will be inserted.


The list GUID or display name of the list to add the list item to.


The baseUrl of the site where the list is located. Use “” for the root site, or “/Sites/MySite” for a site named “MySite” on a managed path. This is NOT the URL of the list.


This is the text that goes above the form.


Various text used in the solution.


Array of objects in this format:


“fin”: The FieldIntenalName of the field in the list you are adding the items to.
“label”: The form label in the custom form you are creating.
“type”: Type of field. Supported types are “text”, “note” and “choice”.
“required”: true or false to control whether the field must be filled or not.

For type = note you have one extra setting

“height”: Sets the height of the textarea in pixels.

For type = choice you have two extra settings

“emptyLabel”: Sets the default value in the dropdown select.
“choices”: Object format like this:

{"v":"0","f":"Priority = low"},
{"v":"1","f":"Priority = med"},
{"v":"2","f":"Priority = high"}

“v” is the value to store in the list and “f” is the displayed value in the dropdown select. These two can be the same.


true or false to allow or disallow attachments.


The form label for the attachments.


true or false to allow for selecting multiple files.

Multiple forms in the same page

To have multiple forms in the same page, repeat the call to “spjs.addItemWithAttachment.init” and change the “instanceID”.

Let me know if you find any bugs, or you have any comments.


Collect feedback from pages or list items

Change log
February 07. 2015
Updated to v1.3:

  • Fixed a bug introduced in v1.1. When triggering this from a list item, you ended up with two entries for “itemID” in the URL.

February 14. 2014
Updated to v1.2:

  • Added option to store the site title in an additional field in the list. To activate this, add a field with FieldInternalName “SiteTitle” to the list.

January 28. 2014
Updated to v1.1:

  • Include site title in the Title field in the feedback if it is collected from a page and not a list item.
  • Changed from locationl.pathname to the full location.href in the URL for collected feedback.

I got this request:

Dear Alexander,
I’ve been cruising your blog for a week or so and I have to say – THANKS!
The solutions you posted are wonderful and very helpful!

I have a special request that might be useful for many users and I’ll defently buy you a nice cold beer for it !

I need a way to send a feedback from any list item and page in SharePoint. The way I see it is some clickable button in a CEWP inserted in a page and some custom button in the ribbon of a list item.

I’d been asked to allow the users to answer some questions (2-4 pre added) and the ability to add some text of their own.

If there’s a way to have your assistance in that matter I’ll adores you forever and send you a cold beer to chill.

Thanks in advance,
Eron F.

The solution

This solution is for SP 2010 or 2013 only and it will NOT work for SP 2007.

This solution will add a banner button or a regular button (details below) that lets your users add feedback to a custom list in the site collection. The solution will fill the “Title” column with the list item title if it is a list item (DispForm or EditForm) and the URL from where the feedback was added. You can add this code to any page in the site collection using a CEWP.

How to set it up

Start with adding a custom list to the site collection. This list must Include the standard “Title” field (already present), a single line of text column called “URL”, and another single line of text column named “SiteTitle”. These columns are used to log where the feedback was added from. You must add additional columns to this list to collect the actual feedback – like a multi line text field. Which columns you want to add is up to you. The relative URL to this list is used in the argument object described below. This custom list does not require any code added to it.

Not using English language?
You must change the display name for the localized Title field to the English “Title” in the list you want to store the feedback in. This because the script addresses the field by display name.

Download the latest version of SPJS-CollectFeedback from here, and put it in a document library where all users have READ ACCESS.

When this list is set up and the file “SPJS-CollectFeedback.js” is downloaded, you can add the code from the code block below to any page in the site collection using a HTML Form Web Part or CEWP. You might want to change the jQuery reference to a local copy, and you must change the reference to “SPJS-CollectFeedback.js” to point to your local copy.

Use this code to insert a ribbon button
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/Feedback/SPJS-CollectFeedback.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

		"feedbackAddedAlert":"Thank you for the feedback!",
Or use this code to insert a regular button
<input type="button" value="Send feedback" onclick="triggerFeedback();" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/Feedback/SPJS-CollectFeedback.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

function triggerFeedback(){
		"feedbackAddedAlert":"Thank you for the feedback!",
The various arguments

feedbackListNewFormURL: The relative URL of the list to store the feedback in.
feedbackAddedAlert: If this is not an empty string you will get an alert after adding the feedback.
feedbackNotAddedAlert: If this is not an empty string you will get an alert if you cancel adding the feedback.
ribbonBtnText: The label of the ribbon button.
ribbonBtnImg: The image of the ribbon button (32×32 px).

Post a comment below if you like the solution or you have any questions.


Make field read-only for other than the author

I got this request from @f_Techno:

@SPJavaScripts hello Alexander, I have task list in sps 2010. I want to dim DueDate after create the task. No one should change it except me.

This snippet must be places in the EditForm of the list or library where you want the field to be readonly. What this code does is to check if the logged in user is the author of the list item, and if not, make the field “StartDate” readonly. You can change the fieldnames in the example to target other fields.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/spjs-utility/spjs-utility.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var thisItemDBdata = spjs_getItemByID({"listName":_spPageContextInfo.pageListId,"id":GetUrlKeyValue("ID"),"viewFields":["Author"]});
if(thisItemDBdata !== null){
	var authorID = thisItemDBdata.Author.split(";#")[0];
	if(_spPageContextInfo.userId.toString() !== authorID){
		var fields = init_fields_v2();
		$(fields["StartDate"]).find("").hide().after("<td id='readOnly_StartDate' class='ms-formbody'> </td>");
			// Build the fields object again for SP 2013
			fields = init_fields_v2();
			var sDate = getFieldValue("StartDate");

You find spjs-utiliy.js here.

Please note that this code in for SP 2010 or SP 2013. If you want to use it for SP 2007 you must change “_spPageContextInfo.pageListId” for the list DisplayName or GUID.

For more advanced options, check out Dynamic Forms for SharePoint her.


SPJS Upload for SharePoint: Custom upload page for uploading documents to various document libraries in a site collection

Change log
August 04, 2016
New version that supports opening the EditForm after upload. This can be controlled with a variable:

// Go to EditForm after upload
var showEditFormAfterUpload = true;

Set to false to skip this feature.This new feature requires a few extra fields added to the list with the upload destination – and you must update your function call with these new fields.

If you are crating the <option> manually you must add a few extra attributes – see description in the code where you specify the <option> tags.

I got a request from Gilbert Okello regarding a custom upload solution for submitting documents to various document libraries in a site collection. This solution uses the “CopyIntoItems” method to let the user select a document from the local computer and upload it to a document library / folder within the site collection.

I must start off emphasizing that this solution requires Internet Explorer 10 or another modern browser to work. There is NO WAY you can make it work in any Internet Explorer version below 10. I have tested it in SP 2010 and SP 2013, but I guess it should work in SP 2007 as well.

The code provided at the bottom of this article builds the upload control by reading a set of predefined upload locations from a custom list. This is the code that builds the dropdown select containing the predefined options:


listName: The GUID or the display name of the list where the upload destinations are stored.
listBaseUrl: The base URL of the list. If it is in the root site, use “”. If it is in a subsite, use “/MySubsite” or “/Sites/MySubsite” depending on your setup. The list name should NOT be included in this variable.
friendlyNameField: The FieldInternalName of the field that holds the friendly name of the destination.
relPathField: The FieldInternalName of the field that holds the relative URL to the library or folder to upload the files.
BaseUrl: Holds the base URL of the SITE where the document library is located. For example “/Sites/Site1/YourSiteName”
DocLibraryGUID: The GUID of the document library you are uploading into. View source and search for “ctx.listName” to find it.
EditFormRelUrl: The relative URL to the EditForm of your library. For example “/Sites/Site1/YourSiteName/Shared documents/Forms/EditForm.aspx”.
orderByField: The FieldInternalName of the field to sort by.

How to set up this list

Create a custom list with one additional single line of text field “RelPath”. Enter the friendly name in the Title field, and the relative path to the library or folder in the field “RelPath”.
In addition to the above fields you must add the following if you like to use the new “Go to EditForm after upload” feature.
BaseUrl: Single line of text.
DocLibraryGUID: Single line of text.
EditFormRelUrl: Single line of text.

Using this list is optional. If you like, you can enter the destination directly in the code in the <select> control with id “fileUploadTo”. If you prefer to use the manual approach, ensure you comment out the function call to “getUploadDestinations” in the code example.

The script file “spjs-utility.js” is only used for the function “getUploadDestinations” an you can remove it if you enter the destinations manually.

The code

Get the file “spjs-utility.js” from here. You will also need jQuery. Put this code in a HTML Form Web part where you want the upload control to appear – change the path to the scripts in the top of the code to match you locale files:

/* SPJS Upload for SharePoint
 * ---------------------------------------------
 * Created by Alexander Bautz
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Alexander Bautz (Licensed under the MIT X11 License)
 * ---------------------------------------------
 * Include reference to:
 * jquery -
 * spjs-utility.js -
 * ---------------------------------------------
<script type="text/javascript" src="/SPJS/DFFS/plugins/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/SPJS/DFFS/plugins/spjs-utility.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
 Pull the upload destinations from this list
 If you prefer, you can add the destinations manuelly in the <select> with id "fileUploadTo".
 In that case, comment out this function call

 Ensure the list you pull the upload destination from has all the fields specified in this article:

// Go to EditForm after upload
var showEditFormAfterUpload = true;

<style type="text/css">
 font-size:16px !important;
 border:1px #41719C solid; 
 padding:3px 3px 3px 6px;
 font-size:16px !important;
 border:1px #41719C solid; 
 font-size:16px !important;
 border:1px #41719C solid;
 background-color:#ffffff !important;
 border:1px #FF0000 dashed !important;
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" style="border-collapse:separate;">
 <td class="spjs_fileUploadLabel">File</td>
 <td class="spjs_fileUploadBody">
 <input type="file" id="filePicker" style="width:100%;padding:0px;">
 <span style="display:none;color:red;font-size:12px;">Your browser is not supported!<br>Use Internet Explorer 10 or another modern browser.</span>
 <td class="spjs_fileUploadLabel">Upload To</td>
 <td class="spjs_fileUploadBody"> 
 <select id="fileUploadTo" class="spjs_fileUploadSelect">
 // guid attribute must be guid of destination document library
 // baseurl attribute must be baseURL of site wher the document library is located
 // editformurl attribute must be relative url to the EditForm of this library
 <option value="">Select destination</option>
 <option guid='' baseurl='/Upload' editformurl='/Upload/Forms/EditForm.aspx' value="/Upload/Folder1">Folder 1</option>
 <option guid='' baseurl='/Upload' editformurl='/Upload/Forms/EditForm.aspx' value="/Upload/Folder2">Folder 2</option>
 <td class="spjs_fileUploadBtn">
 <input id="uploadFileBtn" type="button" class="spjs_fileUploadBtn" onclick="spjs.upload.submitFile();" value="Submit" />
 <span id="uploadError" style="display:none;color:red;"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">

 Do not change anything below this line
var spjs = spjs || {};

spjs.upload = {
 "versionDate":"August 04, 2016",
 // Modified from
 var files =, file = files[0], reader;
 if(files && file){
 reader = new FileReader();
 reader.onload = function(readerEvt) {
 var binaryString =; = binaryString.substring(binaryString.indexOf(",")+1);
 "submitFile":function() {
 if($("#fileUploadTo").val() === ""){
 var filePath, fileName, destination, b;
 filePath = $("#filePicker").val();
 fileName = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("\\")+1);
 destination = location.protocol+"//"$("#fileUploadTo").val()+"/"+fileName;
 b = [];
 b.push("<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:soap=''>");
 b.push("<CopyIntoItems xmlns=''>");
 b.push("<SourceUrl>" + fileName + "</SourceUrl>");
 b.push("<FieldInformation Type='Text' DisplayName='Title' InternalName='Title' Value='"+fileName+"' />");
 url: "/_vti_bin/copy.asmx",
 beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", ""); },
 type: "POST",
 dataType: "xml",
 data: b.join(""),
 complete: spjs.upload.processResult,
 contentType: "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""
 "processResult":function(data, status) {
 var errorCode, errorMessage;
 errorCode = $(data.responseText).find("CopyResult").attr("ErrorCode");
 errorMessage = $(data.responseText).find("CopyResult").attr("ErrorMessage");
 if(errorCode !== "Success"){
 $("#uploadError").html("Ensure the selected destination exists!<br><br>Error message: "+errorMessage).show();
 $("#uploadFileBtn").attr("disabled","disabled").val("File successfully uploaded");
 if(typeof showEditFormAfterUpload !== "undefined" && showEditFormAfterUpload){
 var fileDir = $(data.responseText).find("CopyResult").attr("DestinationUrl");
 var docLibBaseUrl = $("#fileUploadTo option:selected").attr('baseurl');
 var docLibGuid = $("#fileUploadTo option:selected").attr('guid');
 var docLibEditFormUrl = $("#fileUploadTo option:selected").attr('editformurl')
 var fileMetadata = spjs.utility.queryItems({"listName":docLibGuid,"listBaseUrl":docLibBaseUrl,"query":"<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='EncodedAbsUrl' /><Value Type='Text'>"+fileDir+"</Value></Eq></Where>","scope":"RecursiveAll","viewFields":["FileLeafRef","FileDirRef"]})
 if(fileMetadata.count > 0){
 var id = fileMetadata.items[0].ID;
 var res, q, b;
 b = ["<option value=''>Select destination</option>"];
 q = "<Where><IsNotNull><FieldRef Name='ID' /></IsNotNull></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='"+args.orderByField+"' /></OrderBy>";
 res = spjs_QueryItems({"listName":args.listName,"listBaseUrl":args.listBaseUrl,"query":q,"viewFields":[args.friendlyNameField,args.relPathField,args.baseUrlField,args.guidField,args.editFormRelUrlField]});
 b.push("<option editformurl='"+item.EditFormRelUrl+"' baseurl='"+item.BaseUrl+"' guid='"+item.DocLibraryGUID+"' value='"+item[args.relPathField]+"'>"+item[args.friendlyNameField]+"</option>")

if(window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob){
 document.getElementById('filePicker').addEventListener('change', spjs.upload.handleFileSelect, false);

Post questions and feedback in the comments section below, and if you use this solution, please consider sending me a few beers by clicking the “beer button” in the top right corner of this page.


List view: Preview item on hover

Change log
June 1, 2014
Updated to v1.38:

  • Added “URL” and “Image” as “type” in the fieldData section of the configuration (for use with field of type Hyperlink or Image).
  • Tidied up a few unused variables.
  • Added id attribute “spjs_previewTable” to the main preview table for easier styling. Add style tag to the CEWP code and target the table like this:
    /* your css here */

April 21. 2014
Updated to v1.37:

  • Fixed error when using in list with folders by adding “scope=RecursiveAll” to the query. Please note that you must also update spjs-utility.js to v1.182 or above.
  • Added option to turn on or off the edit item button in the top right corner of the dialog by adding “showEditBtn”:[true or false] to the configuration. See details in the configuration details below.

April 1. 2014
Updated to v1.36:
Fixed an issue with having multiple lists in a web part page. Let me know if there are still issues as I cannot test every possible combination.

March 30. 2014
Updated to v1.35:
Fixed a type in the script that affected IE8 when using the cross list functionality.

March 12. 2014
Updated to v1.32:

  • Removed String;# prefix when previewing calculated columns.
  • Added option to use other columns than ID to identify which item to preview when using the “advanced option” to pull information from another list. See details at the bottom of this article.

January 29. 2014
Updated to v1.31:
Fixed a bug when using in a calendar view on a web part page.
You must add a new variable to the CEWP code alongside the “spjs_listItemPreviewFIN” like this:

var spjs_listItemPreviewFIN = "HoverMe";
var spjs_listItemPreviewList = "{2b6961fc-2e5d-420e-b6d9-3ce7d1bb88b2}";

January 16. 2014
Updated to v1.3:
Fixed a bug that slowed the loading significantly due to a query being executed for each list item in stead of only once per list view.

December 15. 2013
Updated to v1.2 with these changes:

  • Fixed linefeed in multiline plain text fields.
  • Added option to use the value from any field in the form as dialog title. The standard value is “Title”. You find this as a new option in the config object “dlgTitleField”.
  • Added support for showing attachments in the preview. To enable showing attachments, configure it as any other field you want to include in the fields array – use “icon” to show or hide the document icon:

December 09. 2013
v1.1: Updated the code for the file “PreviewItem.js” and the code example for the calculated column to support list view web parts in web part pages. The change to the calculated column is that the list GUID must be included. This is necessary only if you plan to use a list view web part, and not if you use the code in a proper list view. See details in the code for the calculated column below.

I have previously made several solutions for previewing information for list items by hovering over them in a list view. This is one supports SP2010 and SP2013 – and possibly SP2007 as well. I no longer have access to a SP2007 site and cannot test it there, but I have made an effort to adapt the code to (hopefully) work in SP2007 as well. If you find any problems with the SP2007 support, please post a comment below, and I’ll try my best to fix it.


This solution uses the well known trick of inserting an image tag in a calculated column, and selecting “number” as the format for the calculated column. This is the code that triggers the solution in a list view (see separate section for calendar view):

="<img src='/_layouts/images/loadingcirclests16.gif' fin='Preview' list='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' configindescription='1' onload='spjs.listItemPreview.init(this)'>"
New in v1.1:

The attribute “list” must be added if you want to use the solution in a list view web part outside the list itself. This attribute is the GUID of the list. You must change the string xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx to match your list. You can find the GUID in SP 2010 or SP 2013 by right clicking a list view in the list > view source > search for “pageListId”. In SP 2007 you must search for “ctx.Listname”.

Please note the FieldInternalName of the field in the “fin” attribute, and the “configindescription” set to “1” indicating that the configuration should be read from the field description. Set “configindescription=’0′” to configure the setup in the HTML Form Web Part (required for SP 2007, optional for SP 2010 and SP 2013).

Ensure you use the “Number” format to trick SharePoint into rendering it as proper HTML:

When you set “configindescription=’1′” in the calculated column, the configuration is read from the description of the calculated column itself. This way you do not need to edit the setup in a separate file. Please note that you still need to refer the code in the list views where you want to use this solution – or you could put it in the master page to access it in the entire site or site collection. When this is done, the actual configuration for this particular field is done in the list settings!

I’ll get back to the configuration later, but first the general setup.

Setup the scripts
Step 1:

I have used a “icon font” called Font Awesome for all the icons in this solution. Go get it here: Font Awesome.

Here is how Dave Gandy describes Font Awesome:

Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.

In my example code I have linked the font awesome css file from bootstrapcdn, but you can download it locally if you like.

Step 2:

Download the file “spjs-utility.js” from here. Ensure you get the latest version.

Step 3:

Get jQuery from here. Use v1.10.x as the 2.x series in not compatible with IE below 9.

Step 4:

Get the code for the file “PreviewItem.js” from here. Ensure you get the latest version.

Step 5:

Add this code to a HTML form web part in the list view where you want the solution activated. Please note that you must insert it ABOVE the list view for the code to be accessible during page load.

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/jQuery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/spjs-utility/spjs-utility.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/PreviewListItem3/PreviewItem.js"></script>

Now the initial setup is completed and you can configure the calculated column.

Setting up the configuration in the calculated column
Instructions for SP 2010 and 2013

First start by creating a calculated column with this formula:

="<img src='/_layouts/images/loadingcirclests16.gif' fin='Preview' list='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' configindescription='1' onload='spjs.listItemPreview.init(this)'>"
New in v1.1:

The attribute “list” must be added if you want to use the solution in a list view web part outside the list itself. This attribute is the GUID of the list. You must change the string xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx to match your list. You can find the GUID in SP 2010 or SP 2013 by right clicking a list view in the list > view source > search for “pageListId”. In SP 2007 you must search for “ctx.Listname”.

Insert the FieldInternalName of the newly created field in the attribute “fin” in the formula.

This is the settings you have access to when storing the setup in a the description of the calculated column:

	"dateFormat":"dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm",
		"default":["Created at","by","Last modified at","by"],
		"1044":["Opprettet","av","Sist endret","av"]
Instructions for SP 2007

First start by creating a calculated column with this formula:

="<img src='[Path to image]' fin='Preview' configindescription='0' iid='"&_ID&"' onload='spjs.listItemPreview.init(this)'>"

Insert the FieldInternalName of the newly created field in the attribute “fin” in the formula. You must also provide the URL to an image you want to show while the solution is loading. The image used in the SP2010 and SP2013 setup is not available in SP2007.

Please note the reference to the _ID field. To use this solution in a list view you must provide the item ID in the calculated column as this is not accessible in the list view table in SP 2007. You cannot use the ID directly in a calculated column as new items will get “0” for ID.

You can use the method described in this article to get the _ID column populated, or you can create a workflow that inserts the ID into the _ID field.

The configuration options for SP2007 can be found below in the section “Setting up the configuration in the HTML form web part”.

Explanation of the various keys
  • headerCss = css to override the dialog header
  • clickToView = true or false to determine whether you must click to open the preview.
  • hoverDelay = number of milliseconds to delay the preview. Used to prevent flickering when moving the mouse over the icons.
  • showEditBtn = true or false to determine whether or not to show the edit item button in the top right corner of the dialog.
  • editInDlg = true or false to determine whether or not to open the EditForm in a dialog. This setting does not apply to SP 2007.
  • hoverIcon = the icon to use for “on” and “off”. These icons must be selected among the font awesome css classes (icons). You can set the icon style using the css setting.
  • maxHeight and maxWidth = number to set the max dialog height and width. You will get a vertical scrollbar if the contents exceed the height setting.
  • dateFormat = a string representing the date format to use. These are the codes representing the various date and time parts:
    yyyy = for digit year.
    yy = two digit year.
    MM = month.
    dd = day.
    hh = hours.
    mm = minutes.
    ss = seconds
  • fields = array of object with the fieldinternal name of the field, and whether or not to render the field label.
  • footer = determine whether or not to show the footer with created and modified.
  • editFormUrl = null by default. Insert the Relative URL of another list to preview items form another location [advanced]
  • listGuid = null by default. Insert the guid of another list to preview items form another location [advanced]
  • listBaseUrl = null by default. Insert the listBaseUrl of another list to preview items form another location [advanced]
Setting up the configuration in the HTML form web part

This section describes how you can set up the configuration in the HTML Form Web Part and not in the calculated columns description field. This is a requirement for SP 2007 and optional for SP 2010 and SP 2013.

var spjs_listItemPreviewConfig = {
			"DateAndTime":{"disp":{"default":"Date / time","1044":"Dato / klokkeslett"},"type":"DateTime"},
			"Multiline":{"disp":{"default":"Multiline","1044":"Flerlinje tekst"},"type":"Text"},
			"MyChoiceCol":{"disp":{"default":"Choice column","1044":"Valgkolonne"},"type":"MultiChoice"},
			"MultiUser":{"disp":{"default":"Multi select people picker","1044":"Flervalgs personvelgerfelt"},"type":"UserMulti"},
			"dateFormat":"dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm",
				"default":["Created at","by","Last modified at","by"],
				"1044":["Opprettet","av","Sist endret","av"]

As you see, the configuration is mostly the same, but it is defined as an object named “spjs_listItemPreviewConfig” with the configuration for each of the separate calculated columns in it. In this example the FieldInternalName is “Preview”.

When setting up the configuration in the HTML From Web Part you must add the label and the field type for the fields you want to include in the preview. See the “fieldData” key in the code above. As you can see, the text values can be configured for MUI setup, but this will not affect SP 2007 – use the “default” key for the values.

You must provide the relative URL for the EditForm in the “editFormUrl” key. For SP2007 you have to provide the listGuid and the listBaseUrl as well.

Calendar view

In a calendar view you cannot rely on the calculated column to initiate the code for us. For SP 2010 and SP 2013 I have added support for automatically initiating the code, but you must insert two variables in the HTML Form Web Part like this:

var spjs_listItemPreviewFIN = "Preview";
var spjs_listItemPreviewList = "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}";

“Preview” is the FieldInternalName of the calculated column where the configuration is stored. Change the GUID to the one from your list.

Regarding SP 2007 support for calendar views

I do not have access to a SP 2007 site and cannot ensure it works. If anyone wants to test it and possibly fix it, I’m sure many will be happy. Look at the function “calendar” in the file “PreviewItem.js” to see how I have tried to support month view of a calendar in SP 2007.

In a SP 2007 calendar view, you will have to call the code “manually” from the HTML Form Web Part like this:

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/jQuery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/spjs-utility/spjs-utility.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/PreviewListItem3/PreviewItem.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Cross list preview

To be able to do a cross list “preview” you must add the configuration to the HTML Form Web part / CEWP in the “spjs_listItemPreviewConfig” object, and set the “editFormUrl”, “listGuid” and “listBaseUrl” to address the list you want to pull the information from.

You must also supply the ID or another identifier of the item you want to pull the info from in the calculated column in the “iid” attribute in the calculated column.
The default is to lookup an item using the ID for that item. In this case you must have the parent item ID in a column you can use in a calculated column:

="<img iid='"&[TheColumnNameWhereTheIDIsFound]&"' src='/_layouts/images/blank.gif' fin='CrossList' configindescription='0' onload='spjs.listItemPreview.init(this)'>"

* “CrossList” is the FieldInternalName of my calculated column.
* “[TheColumnNameWhereTheIDIsFound]” is the name of the column in the current list item where the ID of the linked item is found.

You can also match the item you want to preview in another column – like the “Standard” column in this example:

="<img iid='Standard:"&Standard&"' src='/_layouts/images/blank.gif' fin='CrossList' configindescription='0' onload='spjs.listItemPreview.init(this)'>"

In the iid attribute in this example I pull the value from the column “Standard” from the current list item, and will match this with the column with the same name in the “lookup list”.

When using this cross list preview you cannot know if the target list will contain an item to preview. If there are no items, the icon will turn gray when you hover over it.

Let me know if you like the solution, have trouble, or find any bugs! – use the comment section below.
