Category Archives: Requests

Show field description in list view column header – updated version

I have previously posted this solution that lets you add the field description to the list view column header.

By request I have updated the solution to work in a web part page with multiple lists / libraries.

Put this code in a Content Editor Web Part at the bottom of your list view or web part page:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var is2010 = typeof(_fV4UI)!=='undefined';

	var wpID, tCtxId, tCtx, myTooltipObj, toFind, fieldDisplayName
	wpID = $(this).attr('WebPartID').toUpperCase();	
	tCtxId = g_ViewIdToViewCounterMap["{"+wpID+"}"];
		tCtx = eval("(ctx"+tCtxId+")");	
		myTooltipObj = customGetList(tCtx.listName);	
		toFind = " th";
			toFind = "";
				fieldDisplayName = $(this).attr('DisplayName');	
				fieldDisplayName = $(this).find("table:first").attr('DisplayName');	
				fieldDisplayName = $(this).text();

function customGetList(listName){
	var xmlWrap, result;
	xmlWrap = [];
	xmlWrap.push("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>");
	xmlWrap.push("<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:soap=''>");
	xmlWrap.push('<GetList xmlns="">');
	xmlWrap.push('<listName>' + listName + '</listName>');
	result = {};
		url:L_Menu_BaseUrl + '/_vti_bin/lists.asmx',
		contentType:"text/xml; charset=utf-8",
			$('Field', data).each(function(i){
				if(result[$(this).attr('DisplayName')]===undefined || result[$(this).attr('DisplayName')]===''){
					result[$(this).attr('DisplayName')] = ($(this).attr('Description')===undefined)?'':$(this).attr('Description');
	return result;

If you like this solution, buy me a beer!


Approve multiple documents or list items in one operation with client side code

I got this request from Larry:

Good day A, Have a question. Is there an easy way to add to the SP 2010 ribbon an approve all button. I hate having to select each item and manually approve each one. I have found some script but they are deployed on central admin. I would like to a void that.


It’s not like i didn’t have anything to do, but he bought me a beer…

Here we go

This one uses the Client Object Model in SharePoint 2010 and is therefore usable in SharePoint 2010 only.

The code adds a custom button to the “Ribbon.Document” or “Ribbon.ListItem” that calls a script on the items selected using the in line checkbox.

Get the file “ApproveSelected.js” from here
Get jQuery from here

Put the files in a document library or in a folder created with SharePoint Designer. Ensure all users have read access to the location.

Insert a CEWP in the list view where you want this feature to be activated. Use the “Content Link” option in the “Edit web part” panel of the CEWP to link to the CEWP-code that you have put in a text file in the same location as the “ApproveSelected.js”.

Use this code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/test/Scripts/ApproveSelected/ApproveSelected.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var tabBtn = {
	"btnLabelApprove":"Approve selected",
	"btnLabelReject":"Reject selected",
	"groupLabel":"Approve or reject"
var workingOnItNotification = 'Processing items...';
var doneNotification = '{0} items processed';

Change the path to the file “ApproveSelected.js” to match your local copy. If you prefer to use a local copy of jQuery, change that path to.

You may also change the variables if you want another text in the button or the notification messages.

It should look like this in the list view



The button will disappear if the screen width is to narrow. The built in ribbon buttons will “shrink” to fit a narrow screen – this one will not.


This code uses a new “hack” to overcome the missing “list toolbar” when adding another webpart to the page. I’ll do a separate little article on that one.


Parent-child-grandchild relationship in SharePoint 2010 lists with javascript only

09.12.2011 I have updated the solution to v1.1 to let the user chose the icon (or no icon) before the “child” title. The code for the file “ParentChildResources.js”, and the CEWP code for “Parent DispForm” and Child DispForm” has changed. The new “argObj-property” “iconBefore” should be the path to the image to prepend to the “child title”.

I got this request:

Hi Alex,

I am new to SharePoint and have been struggling with steep learning curve and would really appreciate your help…

I created a parent-child-grandchild relation where I inserted a related view in the parent’s dispform to show all children and also in the child’s dispform to show all grandchildren. I’ve also followed to set the parent’s ID on the child’s newform using javascript but I need to take it a step further. In the child’s newform I need to retrieve the parent list’s 2nd field and use that value to build a dynamic drop down field in the child’s newform. The field items in the drop down preferably to be pulled from another list for the ease of maintenance but hard coding is also acceptable. This is probably a no-brainer for you so I hope you wouldn’t mind spending some time on it and I will make sure some donation is made . Thank you so much!

This involves putting scripts in NewForm and/or DispForm in three lists. Please follow the steps carefully.

Please note that this code is for SharePoint 2010 only.
Step 1

Create the three custom lists used in this example:

  • Parent
    This list has the Title field only.
  • Child
    Add one field of type Lookup (single choice) with the name “Parent”. This lookup should target the title field of the "Parent" list.
  • Grandchild
    Add one field of type Lookup (single choice) with the name “Parent”. This lookup should target the title field of the "Child" list.
Step 2

Download the code from here
The code is presented in individual folders so it’s easy to get the right code in the right form.

Step 3

Edit the code that goes in the CEWPs to fix the script src attributes in all files, the “childListUrl” in the DispForm code and the various “argObj” variables if your lists or fields has different names. You will have to read trough the code for the CEWPs to find the bits to change.

The file “ParentChildResources.js” does not need any modification.

Upload the code to a shared document library and maintain the folder structure (or rename the files so that you know which file goes where).

Step 4

Add CEWPs to the list forms and insert the code corresponding with the folder and file name. It is important that you use the content link option to link to the code.

To add a CEWP, go to the list, activate it by clicking in the “list area” to bring up the list tools ribbon. Select the tab “List” and “Form Web Parts”.

You find the content link option like this:
Edit the page and activate the CEWP. In the ribbon toolbar, select “Web Part Tools” and then “Web Part Properties”.

To ensure you get the correct file path, go to the document library, right click the file and select “Copy shortcut”. Paste this URL in the content link field. You might want to edit the URL to make it relative.

Note Add the CEWP below the list form.

The result should look like this


Final words

This solution uses the Client Object Model introduced in SharePoint 2010 and therefore it will not work on previous SharePoint versions.

To keep this solution clean and simple, the last bits from the request regarding the lookup column, is kept out of this post – it will be emailed to the person requesting this article.

If there is demand for it, i will post it as an appendix to this post later on.

Hope someone can make use of this code.

SharePoint 2010 – The view selector is back!

In SharePoint 2010 you loose the list view selector in a list view if there are more than 1 web part in the page. This makes navigating the list views very cumbersome.

I have previously created a solution for adding a view selector in these list views, but that solution was a bit clunky.

I looked at this again today, and came up with a solution for re-enabling the missing list view selector that was clean and simple – and it doesn’t even require jQuery…

This is the first article where I’m using the “SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model”.

This solution is placed in a ContentEditorWebPart (CEWP) somewhere in the page you want the list view menu re-enable in. I recommend using the “Content Link” option in the CEWP as the code might be messed with by SharePoint if you paste it directly in the CEWP’s HTML-source.

To achieve this, put the code in a text-file and place it in a shares document library (all users must have read access), or in a folder created in SharePoint Designer. You then copy the file’s url and paste it into the “Content Link” field in the “Edit web part” panel like this:

You do not get any pictures of the menu itself as it is no different from the standard list view selector.

Here is the code:
Get the code here

Remove group label in grouped list view

17.09.2011 I have updated the script to support lookup columns and people pickers.

I got a request from Djamel asking for a solution for removing the group label (the field name) in a grouped list view.

Add this code to a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) in the list view. Adding a CEWP in a SharePoint 2010 list view will unfortunately remove the list view selector.

SharePoint 2007

&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
	$(&quot; td[class^='ms-gb']&quot;).each(function(){
		var aLen = $(this).find('a').length;
			case 2:
				var newLabel = $(this).find(&quot;a:last&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue;
				$(this).find(&quot;a:last&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue = '';
				$(this).find(&quot;a:last&quot;).text(&quot; &quot;+newLabel.substring(3));
			case 3:
				var newLabel = $(this).find(&quot;a:last&quot;).text();				
				$(this).find(&quot;a:eq(1)&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue = '';
				$(this).find(&quot;a:eq(1)&quot;).text(newLabel+&quot; &quot;);
			case 4:
				var newLabel = $(this).find(&quot;a:eq(2)&quot;).text();
				$(this).find(&quot;a:eq(1)&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue = '';
				$(this).find(&quot;a:eq(1)&quot;).text(newLabel+&quot; &quot;);

SharePoint 2010

&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
	$(&quot; td[class^='ms-gb']&quot;).each(function(){
		var newLabel;
		var aLen = $(this).find('a').length;
			case 1:
				newLabel = $(this).find(&quot;a:last&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue;
				$(this).find(&quot;a:last&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue = '';
				$(this).find(&quot;img:last&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue = &quot; &quot;+newLabel.substring(3);
			case 2:
				newLabel = $(this).find(&quot;a:last&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue;
				if(newLabel === null){		
					newLabel = $(this).find(&quot;a:last&quot;).text();				
					$(this).find(&quot;a:first&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue = '';
					$(this).find(&quot;img:first&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue = &quot; &quot;+newLabel;
					$(this).find(&quot;a:last&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue = '';
					$(this).find(&quot;a:last&quot;).text(&quot; &quot;+newLabel.substring(3));
			case 3:
				newLabel = $(this).find(&quot;nobr:last&quot;).text();
				$(this).find(&quot;a:eq(0)&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue = '';
				$(this).find(&quot;img:last&quot;)[0].nextSibling.nodeValue = &quot; &quot;+newLabel;

Ask if anything is unclear.


CommentBox for SharePoint

13.08.2011 v1.2 released with these changes to the argObj:

  • paging: Use this in conjunction with the next parameter to set the number of top level comments to display initially.
  • topLevelCommentsLimit: The number of top level comments to display initially.
  • showMoreCommentsText: If there are more comments, this text is used for the link to show the rest of the comments.
  • sortAscending: true or false. Used to control the order of the comments.
  • commentFormVisible: true or false. Used to have the comment box expanded or collapsed initially.

There are changes to these files:

  • CommentBox.js
  • CommentBox.css

And the CEWP-code. See the CEWP-code section below for details.

17.07.2011 v1.1 released with these changes:

  • Anonymous users can read comments, but must sign in to post.
  • Added new parameter “loadLiveProfile” to the CEWP argObj. This defines whether or not to load the profile image and email from the user profile, or to use the values stored in the comment. This will automatically be set to false for anonymous users. To accompany this change i have added some new fields to the configuration list (these will be automatically created when submitting the first comment), and changed the parameters “newCommentText” and “replyText” from string to array.

There are changes to these files:

  • CommentBox.js
  • spjs-webservices.js

And to the CEWP-code.

I got this request from Brett:

Hi Alexander,

Got an awesome request for your mad skills.
Are you able to provide a Javascript/JQuery code for a Comments Box Web Part? So it can be added to any page, list or library?

I’m thinking you could set it like the Poll web part, where the Admin can specify the ID Name for each Comments Web Part instance, which will allow the user comments be allocated to the correct web part.

So it would function exactly like the Comments Web Part in a Blog Site, using the authenticated user credentials and/or anonymous comments if you desire.

There are a few Posts mentioning DVWP’s and SP Designer but I’m hoping to use a Javascript based solution.

I’ve looked everywhere for this function and closest I found was this Post.

Many thanks for your time and efforts,


I thought this would be a useful solution for many users – myself included. It’s not very complicated as all comments are stored in a single list – identified by the pages relative URL.

Of course – as i started building – i incorporated this and that, an all of a sudden i had myself a full featured, multi level comment solution.

Sample thread:


New comment – plain text:


New comment – Rich text:


List of features

  • Supports both SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010
  • Tested in IE7, IE9, Safari 5.0.5 for Windows, Firefox 5.0 and Google Chrome 12.0.742.112
  • Multi level comments
  • You can collapse top level threads
  • Rich text or plain text comments
  • Option to allow the authors to edit their comments
  • Option to let specific users act as “moderators”
  • Can be used in multiple locations within the site as each instance is identified by the relative URL of the page
  • Simple “drop in CEWP-setup”
  • On list holds all comments for all instances within the site
  • This list that holds the comments is automatically created
  • Layout customizable trough separate css-file
  • And more…

How to use

This solution is designed to be put in a CEWP where you want to use it. You will have to download all the files from the download section to a local folder/library where all users have read access, and change the <script src=”… in the CEWP code to reflect your local path.

CEWP code example

<div id="myCommentBox"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/test/EMSKJS/CommentBox/CommentBox.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/test/EMSKJS/CommentBox/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/test/EMSKJS/CommentBox/CommentBox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/test/EMSKJS/CommentBox/spjs-webservices.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/test/EMSKJS/CommentBox/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var pageID = location.pathname+"?ID="+GetUrlKeyValue('ID');
var argObj = {pageID:pageID,
			 createdByPrefix:'Posted by ',
			 createdPrefix:' on ',
			 modifiedPrefix:'- Modified: ',
			 modifiedByPrefix:' by ',
			 expandThread:"<span title='Expand thread'><img style='vertical-align:text-bottom' src='/_layouts/images/tpmax2.gif'  border='0'> Expand</span>",
			 collapseThread:"<span title='Collapse thread'><img style='vertical-align:text-bottom' src='/_layouts/images/tpmin2.gif' border='0'> Collapse</span>",
			 newCommentText:['Leave comment','You must sign in to comment'],
			 replyText:['Reply','<span title="You must be signed in to leave replies">Sign in</span>'],			 
			 submitText:'Submit comment',
			 deleteThreadText:'Delete comment',
			 showMoreCommentsText:"More comments",


Note to SharePoint 2010 users:
Add this code to a text file and put it in a document library, then use the content link option on the CEWP to link to this code. This is necessary to overcome a “bug” in the CEWP handling when editing a SP2010 page. If you put a script that generates HTML directly into a CEWP, the HTML is accumulated when editing the page.

This tip is also recommended for SharePoint 2007 users, but is not absolutely necessary.

Argument object parameters

  • pageID: The identifier for the unique instance – see separate description below.
  • containerID: The container where the comments are inserted – see separate description below.
  • containerWidth: Width in pixels.
  • replyLevels: The number of nested levels.
  • threadInitiallyCollapsed: true or false to indicate whether the threads are initially collapsed.
  • commentIndent: The number of pixels to indent each nested level of comments.
  • commentBoxHeight: The textbox (for new comments or reply) height in pixels.
  • showProfileImage: true or false to indicate whether or not to display the profile image from the SharePoint user profile.
  • createdByPrefix: The text before the user name of the author.
  • createdPrefix: The text between the author name and the date/time for when the comment is created.
  • modifiedPrefix: The text before the date/time for when the comment is modified.
  • modifiedByPrefix: The text before the name of the editor.
  • showUserEmail: true or false to indicate whether to show the email for the author.
  • authorCanEdit: true or false to indicate whether the author can edit his or hers own comments.
  • editText: The text on the “Edit item link”.
  • commentBoxRTE: true or false to indicate whether to use the TinyMCE rich text editor – see separate description below.
  • expandThread: The text/image of the “Expand thread” link.
  • collapseThread: The text/image of the “Collapse thread” link.
  • newCommentText: Array with the text on the “Leave comment” link for both authenticated and unauthenticated users.
  • replyText: Array with the text on the “Reply” link for both authenticated and unauthenticated users.
  • submitText: The text on the “Submit comment button”.
  • canceImgHover: The mouseover text on the “Cancel comment image”
  • deleteThreadText: The text on the “Delete comment” link.
  • moderateText: The text on the “Moderate item link”.
  • moderatorID: An array of the user ID’s (as string) for the moderators.
  • loadLiveProfile: true or false to indicate whether to load the profile image and email from the user profile, or to use the values stored in the comment.

New in v1.2

  • paging: Use this in conjunction with the next parameter to set the number of top level comments to display initially.
  • topLevelCommentsLimit: The number of top level comments to display initially.
  • showMoreCommentsText: If there are more comments, this text is used for the link to show the rest of the comments.
  • sortAscending: true or false. Used to control the order of the comments.
  • commentFormVisible: true or false. Used to have the comment box expanded or collapsed initially.

Details on “pageID”
For ordinary aspx-pages, use


When using in DispForm/EditForm, use


Details on “containerID”

You can supply a placeholder in the page with the ID corresponding with the parameter “containerID” from the function call. You will want to do this to control the placement of the container, or to supply some custom settings (style or class). If you do not supply a container, it will be created automatically by the script.

Details on “commentBoxRTE”

TinyMCE – Javascript WYSIWYG Editor is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB.

You can change the buttons and plugins for the TinyMCE by modifying the function “init_MCE” at the bottom of the file “CommentBox.js”. Refer the official site for details.

SharePoint 2010 users:
The TinyMCE solution has to be modified to change all “htm” files (and the references in the scripts) to “aspx” as the built in security feature in SharePoint 2010 does not let you open htm-files unless you change the “Browser file handling” from “Strict” to “Permissive”.

I have modified the files used in the default setup for the CommentBox solution. If you change the setup to include more plugins you must change the appropriate files. The modified package can be found in the download section.


You find the files here

Copyright and disclaimer

Please let me know if you find any bugs.

If you use this solution, please consider donating a few dollars to keep me motivated.

Pull on-call information from calendar

10.06.2011 Update: I forgot to separate out the FieldInternalNames for the start and end date. See updated code.

This solution is an answer to a request from Colin Blake:

Hey Alexander,

I’ve been browsing through your blog (amazing!) and have not been able
to come up with anything yet using your posted solutions so I was
hoping you could help me or get me pointed in the right direction. I
have a calender that holds our “On-Call” information. I have added a
custom column to the calender that holds a text value(the name of the
on call person). What I would like to do is is on another Web Part
Page is have the text value from the custom “on-call” column for the
current week displayed in a CEWP Web Part. Is this something that
could be easily done?

Colin Blake

This solution is designed to be put directly into a CEWP and will insert the name of the person “on call” in a placeholder <div>.

Note to SharePoint 2010 users:
Add this code to a text file and put it in a document library, then use the content link option on the CEWP to link to this code. This is necessary to overcome a “bug” in the CEWP handling when editing a SP2010 page. If you put a script that generates HTML directly into a CEWP, the HTML is accumulated when editing the page.

CEWP code:

&lt;div id=&quot;insertOnCallNameHere&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;

// Define list name or GUID
var calendarName = &quot;OnCallCalendar&quot;;
// Define the FieldInternalName to pull in the value from
var fieldToReturn = 'OnCallPerson';
// Define the start and end date fields
var startDateFIN = 'EventDate';
var endDateFIN = 'EndDate';
// Call the cunction
var onCallArr = getOnCallInfo(calendarName,fieldToReturn,startDateFIN,endDateFIN);

// Handle the result
var buffer = [];
	// obj.url = hyperlink to profile page
	// = name
	// obj.userId = user id
	// url and userid is available only when &quot;fieldToReturn&quot; is a people picker.

// ****************************************************************
//	Do not edit below this line
// ****************************************************************

function getOnCallInfo(listName,fieldNameToReturn,startDateFIN,endDateFIN){
	var result = [];
	var queryBuffer = [];
		queryBuffer.push(&quot;&lt;Leq&gt;&lt;FieldRef Name='&quot;+startDateFIN+&quot;' /&gt;&lt;Value Type='DateTime'&gt;&lt;Today /&gt;&lt;/Value&gt;&lt;/Leq&gt;&quot;);
		queryBuffer.push(&quot;&lt;Geq&gt;&lt;FieldRef Name='&quot;+endDateFIN+&quot;' /&gt;&lt;Value Type='DateTime'&gt;&lt;Today /&gt;&lt;/Value&gt;&lt;/Geq&gt;&quot;);
	var res = spjs_QueryItems({listName:listName,query:queryBuffer.join(''),viewFields:['ID',fieldNameToReturn]});
			var split = item[fieldNameToReturn].split(';#');
			var name = split[1];
			var userId = split[0];
			result.push({url:&quot;&lt;a href='&quot;+L_Menu_BaseUrl+&quot;/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?Force=True&amp;ID=&quot;+userId+&quot;' target='_blank'&gt;&quot;+name+&quot;&lt;/a&gt;&quot;,
					name = split[1];
				result.push({url:'URL: This value is available using a people picker only.',
							 userId:'userId: This value is available using a people picker only.'});
	return result;		

function spjs_QueryItems(argObj){
	if(argObj.listName==undefined || (argObj.query==undefined &amp;&amp; argObj.viewName==undefined)){
		alert(&quot;Missing parameters!nnYou must provide a minimum of &quot;listName&quot;, &quot;query&quot; or &quot;viewName&quot; and &quot;viewFields&quot;.&quot;);
	var content = spjs_wrapQueryContent({'listName':argObj.listName,'query':argObj.query,'viewName':argObj.viewName,'viewFields':argObj.viewFields,'rowLimit':argObj.rowLimit,'pagingInfo':argObj.pagingInfo});
	var result = {'count':-1,'nextPagingInfo':'',items:[]};	
	spjs_wrapSoapRequest(argObj.listBaseUrl + '/_vti_bin/lists.asmx', '', content, function(data){
		result.count = $(data).find(&quot;[nodeName='rs:data']&quot;).attr('ItemCount');
		result.nextPagingInfo = $(data).find(&quot;[nodeName='rs:data']&quot;).attr('ListItemCollectionPositionNext');
		$(data).find(&quot;[nodeName='z:row']&quot;).each(function(idx, itemData){
			var fieldValObj = {}
				var value = $(itemData).attr('ows_' + field);
				if(value == undefined) value = null;
	return result;

function spjs_wrapQueryContent(paramObj){
	var result = [];
	result.push('&lt;GetListItems xmlns=&quot;;&gt;');
	result.push('&lt;listName&gt;' + paramObj.listName + '&lt;/listName&gt;');
	if(paramObj.viewName!=undefined &amp;&amp; paramObj.viewName!=''){
		result.push('&lt;viewName&gt;' + paramObj.viewName + '&lt;/viewName&gt;');
	if(paramObj.query != null &amp;&amp; paramObj.query != ''){
		result.push('&lt;query&gt;&lt;Query xmlns=&quot;&quot;&gt;');
	if(paramObj.viewFields!=undefined &amp;&amp; paramObj.viewFields!='' &amp;&amp; paramObj.viewFields.length &gt; 0){
		result.push('&lt;viewFields&gt;&lt;ViewFields xmlns=&quot;&quot;&gt;');
		$.each(paramObj.viewFields, function(idx, field){
			result.push('&lt;FieldRef Name=&quot;' + field + '&quot;/&gt;');
	// A view overrides the itemlimit
		if(paramObj.rowLimit != undefined &amp;&amp; paramObj.rowLimit &gt; 0){
			result.push('&lt;rowLimit&gt;' + paramObj.rowLimit + '&lt;/rowLimit&gt;');
	result.push('&lt;queryOptions&gt;&lt;QueryOptions xmlns=&quot;&quot;&gt;&lt;IncludeMandatoryColumns&gt;FALSE&lt;/IncludeMandatoryColumns&gt;');
	if(paramObj.pagingInfo != undefined &amp;&amp; paramObj.pagingInfo != null &amp;&amp; paramObj.pagingInfo != '')
		result.push('&lt;Paging ListItemCollectionPositionNext=&quot;' + paramObj.pagingInfo.replace(/&amp;/g, '&amp;amp;') + '&quot; /&gt;');
	return result.join('');

function spjs_wrapSoapRequest(webserviceUrl,requestHeader,soapBody,successFunc){
	var xmlWrap = [];
		xmlWrap.push(&quot;&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?&gt;&quot;);
		xmlWrap.push(&quot;&lt;soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:soap=''&gt;&quot;);
		xmlWrap = xmlWrap.join('');
		contentType:&quot;text/xml; charset=utf-8&quot;,

The parameters

calendarName: The list name or list GUID of the list/calendar.
fieldToReturn: The FieldInternalName of the field to return the value from.
startDateFIN: The FieldInternalName of the start date field.
endDateFIN: The FieldInternalName of the end date field.

The returnvalue

The returnvalue from call to the function “getOnCallInfo” is an array of objects. The object has three properties:
url = a link to the SharePoint user info for the user.
userId = the userId from SharePoints user profile.
name = the name stored in the field.

The property “url” and “userId” is for use with people pickers only.

Hope someone can make use of this.

Toggle appended comments in multi line fields

I got this request from Tim:

Tim Says:
Is there a way to hide the appended comments to a multipe line field with version control. Actually can it a a click hide/show, and can it display the last comment by default? click it the see all pervious comments.

Larry got a bit on the way, but the appended comments are a bit different in a plain text field and in a rich text field. This approach splits up the comments and wraps them in new div’s to handle the visibility.

The end result looks like this:

Put this code in a CEWP below the form in DispForm.aspx or EditForm.aspx

&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
fields = init_fields_v2();


function toggleAppendOnMultiline(fin){
var currField = $(fields[fin]);
var rich = (currField.find('.ms-formbody div:last').parent().find('div').length&gt;1)?true:false;
		var allArr = currField.find('.ms-formbody div:last').parent().find('div').remove();
		var all = currField.find('.ms-formbody div:last').remove();
		var allArr = all.html().split(/&lt;br&gt;/i);
	var buffer = [&quot;&lt;table style='width:410px'&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td valign='top' style='font-size:0.7em;width:99%'&gt;&quot;];
		var disp = &quot;block&quot;
			disp = &quot;none&quot;;
		buffer.push(&quot;&lt;div class='&quot;+fin+&quot;_dummyHide' style='display:&quot;+disp+&quot;'&gt;&quot;);
		buffer.push(&quot;&lt;td title='Toggle visibility' onclick='toggleShowAll(this,&quot;&quot;+fin+&quot;_dummyHide&quot;)' valign='top' style='cursor:pointer;'&gt;&quot;);
		buffer.push(&quot;&lt;div style='white-space:nowrap;border:1px silver solid;padding:2px;background-color:#ffffff'&gt;&quot;);	
		buffer.push(&quot;&lt;img style='vertical-align:middle' src='&quot;+L_Menu_BaseUrl+&quot;/_layouts/images/tpmax1.gif' border='0'&gt;&quot;);
		buffer.push(&quot;&lt;img style='vertical-align:middle' src='&quot;+L_Menu_BaseUrl+&quot;/_layouts/images/tpmax1.gif' border='0'&gt;&quot;);

function toggleShowAll(elm,id){
var img = $(elm).find('img');

function init_fields_v2(){
	var res = {};
	var myMatch = $(this).html().match(/FieldName=&quot;(.+)&quot;s+FieldInternalName=&quot;(.+)&quot;s+FieldType=&quot;(.+)&quot;s+/);	
			// Display name
			var disp = myMatch[1];
			// FieldInternalName
			var fin = myMatch[2];
			// FieldType
			var type = myMatch[3];
			// Build object
			res[fin] = this.parentNode;
			res[fin].FieldDispName = disp;
			res[fin].FieldType = type;
	return res;

Please note line 5 and 6 – i have addressed my two fields by FieldInternalName there. In the images, the comments in the field “MyRichText” has been toggled visible.
