All posts by Alexander Bautz

SPJS-Utility updated with support for querying large lists

By request I have added support for querying large lists (over 5000 items) using “spjs_QueryItems” or “spjs.utility.queryItems” in SPJS-Utility.js

If you use this for example with the DFFS Plugin “Autocomplete”, and have hit this error:

The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the administrator

You can now update SPJS-Utility.js to fix this problem.

Please note that these functions are undocumented and mostly used internally from the different SPJS functions and solutions. If you are interested in using these functions in your own code, dig into the code to discover how it works, or ask a question in the forum.


You find SPJS-utility.js here.


JSLink: Add client side rendering to a field

Please note that JSLink / Client side rendering is only available in SharePoint 2013.
Change log
July 26, 2015
Updated the code for the JSLink tool to let you pick the field from the list so you don’t have to know the FieldInternalName. The tool is now in v1.1, but I have not updated the pictures below.

Use this code to set the JSLink property of a field in a list or library. This enables you to override the default rendering of the field in NewForm, DispForm, EditForm and list views. See below for links to example files you can apply to the field.

Get the code

Get the code here, and add it to a script editor web part in a page in the site where you want to use it.

How to add a web part page in SP2013

Go to “All site contents” and change the URL like this:

Configure the JSLink on the field


Connect to a list to change the JSLink property:

JSLink examples
Please note that the JSLink override script files must be placed in a document library in the same site as you plan to use it. When you link to the field, use the “~site” prefix to refer the current site.
Translate choice column

This example let you translate a choice column in NewForm, DispForm, EditForm and list view. Modify the function “spjs_JSLinkLocalize” in the top of the file, and the column name “Status” in the bottom of the file to match your field name (FieldInternalName).

July 26, 2015:
Code example updated with a fix for NewForm and EditForm when used in a root site.
	SPJS JSLink example: Translate choice column in NewForm, DispForm, EditForm and list view.
	Author: Alexander Bautz /

/* Change the "spjsJSLinkTranslations" object to match your choices */
function spjs_JSLinkLocalize(){
		case 1044:
			spjsJSLinkTranslations = {
				"In progress":"Pågår",
		case 1031:
			spjsJSLinkTranslations = {
				"In progress":"In Bearbeitung",

function spjs_JSLinkFieldOverride(t,ctx){
	var a = SPClientTemplates.Utility.GetFormContextForCurrentField(ctx), b, c, h, s, img = (_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl !== "/" ? _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl : "")+"/_layouts/15/images/loadingcirclests16.gif";
		case "preRender":
			if(typeof spjsJSLinkData === "undefined"){
				spjsJSLinkTranslations = {};
				spjsJSLinkData = {
				if(typeof $ === "undefined"){
					spjs_jQueryLoading = true;
					h = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
					s = document.createElement('script');
					s.src = "";
		case "postRender":
			// Nothing here at the moment
		case "newform":
		case "editform":
			if(a.fieldSchema.FieldType === "Choice"){
				c = a.fieldSchema.FormatType;
				b = "<span class='spjs_JSLinkHiddenField' style='display:none'>"+SPFieldChoice_Edit(ctx)+"</span><img src='"+img+"' onload='spjs_JSLinkTranslate(this,"+c+");' />";
			}else if(a.fieldSchema.FieldType === "MultiChoice"){
				c = 2;
				b = "<span class='spjs_JSLinkHiddenField' style='display:none'>"+SPFieldMultiChoice_Edit(ctx)+"</span><img src='"+img+"' onload='spjs_JSLinkTranslate(this,"+c+");' />";
		case "dispform":
		case "view":
			if(spjsJSLinkTranslations[ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name]] !== undefined){
				b = spjsJSLinkTranslations[ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name]];
				b = ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name];
	return b;

function spjs_JSLinkTranslate(elm,type){
	if(typeof $ === "undefined"){
		if(spjsJSLinkData.ticker > 50){
			alert("Failed to load jQuery");
			case 0:
					if(spjsJSLinkTranslations[$(o).text()] !== undefined){
			case 1:
					if(spjsJSLinkTranslations[$(o).next().text()] !== undefined){
			case 2:
					if(spjsJSLinkTranslations[$(o).next().text()] !== undefined){

var spjsJSLink = {}; 
spjsJSLink.Templates = {}; 
spjsJSLink.Templates.OnPreRender = function(ctx){return spjs_JSLinkFieldOverride("preRender",ctx);};
spjsJSLink.Templates.OnPostRender = function(ctx){return spjs_JSLinkFieldOverride("postRender",ctx);}; 
spjsJSLink.Templates.Fields = { 
	"Status": {
		"View":function(ctx){return spjs_JSLinkFieldOverride("view",ctx);},
		"NewForm":function(ctx){return spjs_JSLinkFieldOverride("newform",ctx);},
		"DisplayForm":function(ctx){return spjs_JSLinkFieldOverride("dispform",ctx);},
		"EditForm":function(ctx){return spjs_JSLinkFieldOverride("editform",ctx);}
Use the forum for discussions

JSLink Forum

DFFS: JSLink version for SP2013

Finally, I have been able to put together a JSLink version of DFFS and all the plugins. This means you no longer need to manually edit any script files, just upload the filed to a document library, add a web part and use the GUI to set up all the DFFS resources.

Change log
July 31, 2015
Added a new button in the Site column setup section to handle some cases where the DFFS_Loader columns became orphaned and lost the connection to the site column. This new button does not reattach them to the site column, but iterates over the columns found in the site collection, and updates all columns with the new configuration.
This solution is still 100% client side, and you don’t need to involve your server administrator to set it up.
How to install

Refer the installation manual for the details, but basically, this is the steps:

  1. Create a document library
  2. Upload the files
  3. Add a web part
  4. Configure the solution in the GUI
  5. Done!
Under the hood

This solution works by adding a field to the list where you want to use DFFS. This field can either be added as a site column in the site collection root, or directly to a list where you want to use the solution. The field is automatically created in the setup page.

If you set it up as a site column, the GUI configuration in done once, and all you need is to add the site column to each of the lists where you want to activate DFFS in.

Installation files and manual

You find the installation files and the manual for the JSLink version here.

Important information when upgrading

Please note that if you upgrade from an older version, you need to manually remove all the CEWP used to refer the previous version of DFFS from the forms before you add the new “DFFS_loader” field to the list.


Currently calendars does not support JSLink so you need to follow a slightly different method involving adding a CEWP or a script editor web part. This is described in the user manual.


This version uses a different method to validate the license for site collection scoped licenses. This is based on a challenge-response, and is explained in the manual. This will prevent the use of a site collection scoped license in multiple site collections.

Company, Corporate or OEM licenses does not require this challenge-response actions.

Users with an existing site collection scoped DFFS v4 license, must send me the name of the original license holder, and the challenge code generated in the setup page to receive a new license code.

Important information on the DFFS-JSLink package

For easier installation, I have packaged all the plugins used with DFFS in the zipped file. This package is updated with the newest plugins each time I update DFFS, but each of the plugins may be updated on its own. If you experience issues, or want to look for updated plugins, you find the latest version for each one here:

Not using SharePoint 2013?

This new method for installing DFFS is only supported in SP2013, but you can use the files from the package in older versions as well. Set up the solution like described in the file How to set up DFFS v4 – v1.3.6.pdf. This means some of the files in the package is not used, and some are not included in the package. Refer the latest “frontend” and “backend” folders for the missing files for setup in SP2007 or SP2010.

Comments and feedback

Use the forum for all questions and comments. If you don’t have a user account, look at the sticky post in the top of the forum for details.


Comment box with blog: Show comment count

I have updated the solution to be able to count the number of comments on a blog post. This modification is tested in SP2013 only. Parts of it may work for SP2010 as well, but this can not be guaranteed.

Follow the instructions in this post for the basic setup, and then follow these instructions to add the comment count.

Make the SPJS-CommentBox list visible

You must make the list “SPJS-CommentBox” visible to be able to add a lookup column from “Posts” to this list. Either use SharePoint designer (right click the list, select “Properties”, and uncheck “Hide from browser”), or use this tool:

Add lookup field in the SPJS-CommentBox list

Add a lookup column named “ParentPostTitle” from “SPJS-CommentBox” to “Posts” like this:

Add lookup field in the Posts list

Add a lookup back to “SPJS-CommentBox” called “cBoxCount” like this – note the field “ParentPostTitle (Count Related):

Update the file “spjs-cBox_min.js” to v2.2.2 or later

Download the latest version here

Then update your function call like this:

var argObj = {

Note the setting “blogMode”:true”.

In the “Post” page you add the cBox code like this


In the Posts list you will see the count of comments like this


Please post any questions or comments in the forum:

DFFS: Contribute your best DFFS forms

I get a lot of questions related to DFFS examples and tips about how create a good DFFS form. Unfortunately I have yet to find time to make these examples myself – not to mention posting YouTube videos on setup and configuration of DFFS.

What I’m asking for here, is that you take a few screenshots of your “best” DFFS form, and write two sentences about how you use it, and post it to the forum here:

I’ll make this a sticky post in the forum.

PS: If you do not have a forum user, please request one by following these instructions.

Thanks in advance,

DFFS: New triggers and major improvements in handling linked rules

This post describes changes made in Dynamic Forms For SharePoint (DFFS):

I have updated DFFS and introduced some new triggers and improved the functionality related to linked rules.

You can now use a custom function as a rule trigger, and you can also set up rules that can only be triggered by other rules (trough “Run these functions / trigger these rules”), or by a custom function.

Trigger rules manually

You can manually trigger all rules from a custom function like this:


Supply the rule identifiers as a comma separated array. Please note that the rule will be executed as if the trigger returned true.

The enhanced “And these rules or functions = true” functionality

On load
Rules with lower index than the current rule, and custom fuctions will be evaluated. Reorder rules if necessary.

On change
The “last run status” of the rules will be checked, and custom functions will be reevaluated.

Checking a custom function
To check the result of a custom function, use the name of the function without parentheses. You can combine a custom function with indexes or friendly name of other rules.

Checking multiple rules
Separate indexes or friendly name with comma to use [and]. Separate indexes or friendly name with pipe to use [or].


In this example, Rule1 and Rule2 must be true, and Rule3 or Rule4 must also be true for the overall result to return true.

See change log for details:

Comments or feedback

Use the forum for discussions related to DFFS:


Approve or reject list items

I have previously posted a JavaScript solution for approving multiple documents or list items. This is an updated version that adds two buttons in the ribbon: one for “Approve” and one for “Reject”. Refer the original solution for details, but please note that the variables for controlling the text values have changed.

Use this code to load the solution in a list view
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Scripts/ApproveOrRejectSelected.js"></script>
Change the default text values

If you are happy with the default, English text, you can skip this next step.

To override the default text, add this to the CEWP below the script reference to “ApproveOrRejectSelected.js”,and change the text as you like:

<script type="text/javascript">
spjs.contentApproval.text = {
	"approveBtn":"Approve selected",
	"rejectBtn":"Reject selected",
	"groupLabel":"Approve or Reject",
	"working":"Processing items...",
	"done":"{0} items processed"

You can wrap it like this to switch based on the logged in users language (in MUI environments):

	case 1044:
		// Add Norwegian values
		spjs.contentApproval.text = {
			"approveBtn":"Approve selected",
			"rejectBtn":"Reject selected",
			"groupLabel":"Approve or Reject",
			"working":"Processing items...",
			"done":"{0} items processed"
	case 1031:
		// Add German values
		spjs.contentApproval.text = {
			"approveBtn":"Approve selected",
			"rejectBtn":"Reject selected",
			"groupLabel":"Approve or Reject",
			"working":"Processing items...",
			"done":"{0} items processed"
Download ApproveOrRejectSelected.js

Get the file here.


DFFS: Multiple variations on one form

If you have a very complicated form with a lot of rules and complexity, you might want to split this up in different configurations. Here is an example of how you can do this.

How to enable this form switch

This example will create separate configurations for the form based on a “status” column named “CaseStatus”. To start using this switch, all you have to do is to add these lines of code to the CEWP – above the script tag that refers DFFS_Frontend_min.js.

<script type="text/javascript">
// Override pageId to load different DFFS configurations for different statuses in the "CaseStatus" field.
var dffs_formTypeSwitch = "CaseStatus";

Please note that you must update DFFS_frontend to v4.272 or later to support this option.

How does it work?

What this code does is to get the current value from the “CaseStatus” field, and appending it to the pageId it uses to query the DFFS configuration list for the correct configuration to load.

How to configure the different forms

To be able to configure the forms for the different “Statuses” you can either enter DFFS backend from a form loaded with the correct status, or edit the URL in DFFS backend directly to change for example “formType=Not started” to “formType=In progress” in the URL example below:{46e7516d-a6f3-400e-992f-e08338da2ccc}&targetListBaseUrl=/DFFS&formId=/lists/dffs dev/editform.aspx?formType=Not started&formType=3&Source=/DFFS/Lists/DFFSDEV/EditForm.aspx?ID=4

I hope this makes sense. If it does not, please post any questions or comments in the forum.
